D053 Stewardship of Creation with Church-Owned Land

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That the 79th General Convention recommends that all dioceses, parishes and missions create partnerships enabling the use of church-owned land for regenerative agriculture and biodiversity conservation projects in order to mitigate climate change; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention requests that the Church Pension Group make available to the Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation and to each Diocese an inventory of all church-owned properties insured by the Church Insurance Company that contain unimproved land of one half acre or more which may be suitable for such projects; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention requests that each Diocese consider the potential for utilization of church-owned land for new ministries integrating the stewardship of Creation, particularly in situations where properties are no longer regularly utilized by a parish congregation; and be it further

Resolved, That the Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation is directed to develop model processes by which dioceses and parishes may collaborate with partner agencies to sequester carbon through regenerative agriculture and to conserve species through habitat restoration and development.