A185 Amend House of Deputies Rule of Order XII.D
Resolved, That the House of Deputies amends Rule VII of its Rules of Order as follows:
(3) During a debate on any motion or other matter, a member may:
(i) speak up to two (2) minutes, or up to four (4) minutes if translation is required, after being recognized by the Chair; and
(ii) speak twice on the matter.
(4) If translation or interpretation is required for a member to present his or her remarks during a debate, all time limits on the debate will be extended by two minutes.
This resolution is clean up from the comprehensive revision of the House of Deputies Rules of Order adopted in 2015. Although the new Rules of Order provide a deputy’s time limit is extended to allow for translation, the extension did not apply to other time limits in a debate. This resolution fixes that by ensuring that all time limits are extended to allow for translation and there is no inadvertent penalty to the time allocated for debate due to the participation of a deputy who requires translation.