D039 Regarding Occupation and Apartheid

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church condemns laws and policies of the state of Israel that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel and have inevitably led to the current state of apartheid, under which Jewish Israelis enjoy full civil and human rights while the civil and human rights of Palestinian citizens are diminished.; and be it further

Resolved, That Tthe Convention directs the Office of Government Relations to inform US legislators and members of the Executive Branch of theUSU.S. government of our concern about these laws and to convey them our concern to their counterparts in the Israeli government; and be it further

Resolved, That the Convention condemns the system of military justice applied in the occupied Palestinian territories that subjects Palestinians to detention without charges or counsel, detain minors without parental presence, deprive their right of peaceful assembly, and condones results in lethal violence against unarmed Palestinians without effective accountability; and be it further

Resolved, That the Convention calls upon the State of Israel to cease its denial of travel to Palestine and Israel by members of human rights organizations, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, who are committed to ending the conditions of apartheid in Israel and the occupied territories by bringing economic pressure to bear on Israel.; and be it further

Resolved, That Tthe Convention supports the right of Palestinians to self-determination, freedom of movement, property rights, unrestricted access to water, electricity, medical care, primary and secondary education, economic opportunities, permission to build and retain homes, and commerce; and be it further

Resolved, That the Convention urges members of The Episcopal Church to pray, reflect and frankly and openly discuss whether how the policies of the Israeli government toward Palestinians contribute to a state of militarization and apartheid, and whether such conditions are consistent with our Baptismal Covenant to struggle strive for human dignity and freedom for all people in the region.