B009 Civil Discourse
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 79th General Convention calls on all Episcopalians to practice civil discourse in our political life, while not making peace with evil and injustice; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention urge individual Episcopalians, parishes, dioceses and seminaries to use the Civil Discourse Curriculum developed by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations as a resource to guide discussions about politics, policy, and legislation, while strengthening our relationships with one another; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention direct The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations to work with bipartisan efforts in Congress, when possible, and intentionally engage with elected and career government officials from all political parties.
Currently in the United States there is a level of uncivility and disrespect in our political and civil life. Such uncivility does not serve our common good nor foster constructive political action. There is a need across our political, social, and theological spheres to engage with those who hold different positions than our own as we seek to serve the Gospel mandate of love and justice. This resolution calls on all Episcopalians to practice civil discourse in our political life utilizing the Civil Discourse Curriculum developed by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations. More information on the curriculum can be found here: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/posts/publicaffairs/civil-discourse-curriculum-program-reflection-consideration-discussion Finally this resolution empowers The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations to work with bipartisan efforts, when possible, and other strategic allies in pursuing the mandates given to the office by The General Convention.