D030 Supporting Formation
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 79th General Convention, designate an annual grant of $50,000 each year of the triennium to Forma to support the work of, and further develop, the grassroots network which enables collaborative Christian formation of all the baptized across the Episcopal Church; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance consider a budget allocation of $150,000 for the implementation of this resolution.
There is currently no funding for lifelong Christian formation at the denominational level, as The Episcopal Church Formation Department is financially resourced only for ministry with youth (ages 13-18) and young adults (ages 18-30). Since 2009, the office has had a reduction of $2,000,000 in funding and lost 5 of 9 staff people who focused on children’s formation, life-long formation, older adults and resource development. The Formation Department may be tasked with formation of all the baptized but is financially resourced only to focus on youth and young adults. This grant would lift up the primacy of formation and discipleship ministries, supporting the work of lifelong formation by creating an annual grant to Forma of $50,000 to further develop the grassroots network which enables collaborative Christian formation of all the baptized across the Episcopal Church and supports continuing formation of those who are called to form disciples. Forma has taken up the work that has been financially cut from the The Episcopal Church Formation Department, the formation of lay ministry, children's ministry, lifelong formation, older adult ministry. The grant will not be used to fund salary but will help to underwrite the annual Forma conference and underwrite training of lay ministers. Forma is unique in The Episcopal Church as it is engaged primarily in training lay ministers, when most of Episcopal church organizations focus on the formation of clergy. There is precedent in the United States for funding parachurch organizations specializing in formation work. Our Called to Common Mission partners, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Presbyterian Church U.S.A fund professional organizations of catechists through annual grants from the denominational budget. This collaboration creates broad denominational reach and collaboration, as well as accountability, allowing for true ministry to children and all ages. Forma has grown into an organization with a broad scope and dynamic network. Continuing the active and healthy partnership between The Episcopal Church Formation Department and Forma will serve those ministering to children and those engaged in formation ministries with all ages.