A179 Amend Canon I.1.2(o) - Creating Task Forces

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That Canon I.1.2.o of the Canons of The Episcopal Church, be amended to read as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>


o. Following the adjournment of a General Convention, and subject to budgeted funds available for the purpose, the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, having reviewed the resolutions adopted by the General Convention that provide for any study or further action, shall thereupon recommend to the Executive Council, the creation of such study committees and task forces as may be necessary to complete that work. Any Executive Council resolution creating a task force or study committee shall specify the size and composition, the clear and express duties assigned, the time for completion of the work assigned, to whom the body’s report is to be made, and the amount and source of the funding for the body. The members of each such body shall be jointly appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, and the composition of such committees and task forces shall reflect the diverse voices of the Church and a balance of the Church’s orders consistent with the historic polity of the Church. Those committees and task forces so appointed shall expire at the beginning of the next General Convention following, unless reappointed by the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies and reauthorized by the Executive Council.



<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:></p


o. At the first meeting of the Executive Council following Following the adjournment of a General Convention, and subject to budgeted funds available for the purpose, the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, having reviewed the resolutions adopted by the General Convention that provide for any study or further action, shall thereupon recommend to the Executive Committee of Executive Council, the creation of such study committees and task forces as may be necessary to complete that work. Any Executive Council resolution creating a task force or study committee shall specify the size and composition, the clear and express duties assigned, the time for completion of the work assigned, to whom the body’s report is to be made, and the amount and source of the funding for the body. The members of each such body shall be jointly appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, and the composition of such committees and task forces shall reflect the diverse voices of the Church and a balance of the Church’s orders consistent with the historic polity of the Church. Those committees and task forces so appointed shall expire at the beginning of the next General Convention following, unless reappointed by the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies and reauthorized by the Executive Council.