C049 Support Producers of Locally Grown Food
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That this 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church urges the staff of the mission priority, Stewardship of Creation, to include programs and grants which will encourage Episcopal institutions and individual Episcopalians to serve and promote locally grown food.
Based on this resolution adopted by the Diocese of Delaware: RESOLVED, That the 233rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Delaware requests the Bishop and Council to explore the feasibility of allocating a defined percentage of its total annual food expenditure for Camp Arrowhead, Memorial House, and diocesan events, to food locally grown or freshly processed food for meals at Camp Arrowhead, Memorial House, etc. directly through its food service contractors, and be it further RESOLVED, That this 233rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Delaware urge diocesan institutions, schools and parishes, as they provide, prepare and serve meals and distribute food at events and ministries, to make every effort to use locally grown and processed foods, and be it further RESOLVED, That the 233rd Convention encourages further discussion among all parishes and the Trustees of the Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Delaware to plan and implement what can be referred to as the Go(o)d Food Challenge, a potential model for the Diocese. Explanation: The Diocese of Delaware recognizes that improving the economic well-being and vitality of its family farming communities within the State of Delaware could, in part, be driven by increasing the purchasing, serving and promotion of local food, grown in the Delmarva region: Delaware, and the Eastern Shores of Maryland and Virginia. The Diocese has the opportunity to play a leadership role in strengthening these communities and food sector by promoting and sharing God’s creation and life-sustaining bounty for all Delawareans through supporting these local farmers, food entrepreneurs; regional initiatives promoting healthy eating and reducing hunger. Support local food farmers who use sustainable agricultural practices to rebuild regional soil health, thereby becoming better stewards of creation. Support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by reducing carbon emissions via shortening the diocese’s food service supply chain. Affirm the church’s values, connection and commitment to the spiritual and physical well-being of its entire parish community. Affirm the belief that God’s creation is for all, especially those who are least likely to have access to it. Affirm the interdependent relationship between rural and urban, upstate and downstate, farmer and eater, communities. Celebrate our local farmers as stewards of creation. Establish a new model which extends the national church’s commitment to its agricultural/food, relief and development ministries. Build on the Episcopal Church’s reputation as an innovator through faith.