B020 Honoring the Church Pension Fund

Resolved, That on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the Church Pension Fund, this 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, gathered in Austin, Texas, sends its greetings, offers its thanksgivings and continues in its prayers for this great ministry. Through this first century of its life, the Church Pension Fund has faithfully fulfilled the mission entrusted to it: caring for the retired clergy and lay employees of this Church and for their well-being; providing opportunities for personal development and wellness among active employees; and its affiliated companies provide life insurance and medical benefits for laity and clergy, as well as property and casualty insurance for our parishes, dioceses and other institutions; and publishing books to enrich the ministries of those who serve this Church and beyond.

To the Executive leadership, Board of Trustees and employees of the Church Pension Fund, this Convention extends its thanks and prayers for Godspeed in the coming century. “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23)