A146 Revisions to The Raising Up of Episcopal Leadership - A Manual for Dioceses in Transition

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That the 79th General Convention urges that the The Raising Up of Episcopal Leadership - A Manual for Dioceses in Transition (the “Manual”) be revised and updated to reflect the following:

* Best practices for transition process from announcement of transition to incorporation of newly elected bishop into diocesan system

* Resources that provide flexibility for use by both large and small dioceses

* Alternatives to minimize costs of transition process

* Ways to establish a transparent transition process with accountability

* Training for elected diocesan leaders/committee members involved in the transition process

* Suggestions for use of technology including secure internal communications among diocesan committees, secure communications with potential nominees, and secure sharing of reference and background check information

* Means for electronic and other background checks

* Suggestions for use of social media and websites for communicating search profile, status update, and election information

* Expanded reference check resources

* Most current medical and psychological testing

* Expanded background check resources including legal, financial, criminal, vehicular and civil information

* Interviews with current and former bishops with oversight of potential nominees

* Interviews with current and former diocesan Transition Ministers in ministry with potential nominees

* Encourage election procedures that allow time for adequate screening (e.g., discourage nominations from the floor)

* Transition Consultant services

* Discussion of election options/alternatives available to dioceses per canons