A138 Transmission of Demographic Data from Episcopal Elections

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That within 60 days after the election of a Bishop Diocesan, Bishop Coadjutor, or Bishop Suffragan the electing Diocese shall transmit to the Office of Pastoral Development, for each nominee to the electing convention, the information set forth in Canon III.1.2 and the number of years since ordination, diocese of canonical residence and such other demographic data or other information as the Office of Pastoral Development may reasonably request, as well as, when there was an election, a brief description of the voting procedures (such as requiring a supermajority of votes, dropping off candidates receiving votes below a certain threshold, or other similar procedures) and the results of each round of voting; and be it further

Resolved, That the Office of Pastoral Development, assisted by the Task Force to Assist the Office of Pastoral Development, engage one or more experts in data analysis to analyze the demographic and other data received from the electing dioceses, and when a sufficient number of electing dioceses have reported, but at least triennially, report the results of the analysis, in such form as the Office of Pastoral Development shall deem appropriate, to the Executive Council and triennially to the General Convention, the reports to be made public promptly after review by the Executive Council; and be it further

Resolved, That Section III (Diversity) of the Blue Book Report of the Task Force on the Episcopacy be provided to dioceses at the beginning of their search process along with such other information with respect to diversity as the Office of Pastoral Development, assisted by the Task Force to Assist the Office of Pastoral Development, may deem appropriate, all such information to be updated at least triennially; and be it further

Resolved, That electing dioceses are urged to engage Transition Consultants who have been thoroughly trained in programs developed or recommended by the Office of Pastoral Development, assisted by the Task Force to Assist the Office of Pastoral Development, including training in practices that have been demonstrated to improve diversity.