A113 Amend Article V.4 of the Constitution
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That Article V, Section 4 of the Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4. Whenever a new Diocese is formed and erected out of an existing Diocese, it shall be subject to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese out of which it was formed, except as local circumstances may prevent, until the same be altered in accordance with such Constitution and Canons by the Convention of the new Diocese.
Whenever a Diocese is formed out of two (2) or more existing Dioceses, it shall be subject to the Constitution and Canons of that one of the said existing Dioceses to which the greater number of Members of the Clergy shall have belonged prior to the erection of such new Diocese, except as local circumstances may prevent, until the same be altered in accordance with such Constitution and Canons by the Convention of the new Diocese. the Constitution and Canons of the newly formed Diocese shall become effective upon the effective date of the union.
The amendment expresses more clearly the process contemplated by the amendments to the Canons in which the uniting dioceses approve the Constitution and Canons prior to the unification being presented to the General Convention. The current wording of Section 4 does not prohibit dioceses from approving their governance documents ahead of time, so the amendment clarifies the process.