A112 Establish a Task Force on Diocesan Vitality
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
That the 79th General Convention establish a Task Force consisting of three (3) bishops, three (3) clergy persons, and six (6) lay persons representing the geographic diversity of the Church, including persons who have been involved in the creation of diocesan and provincial networks, both incarnationally and virtually through social media and other electronic communications, to be appointed by the presiding officers to facilitate a continuing dialogue among bishops and diocesan and provincial leadership of The Episcopal Church to engage in frank discussion about diocesan collaboration, vitality, and shared ministry; and be it further
Resolved, That Task Force is directed to compile input from the above conversations and to study opportunities and challenges of diocesan and provincial collaboration, vitality, shared ministry, and the number and size of dioceses, and to report back to the 80th General Convention.
It became clear over the course of the triennium that the conversation on questions of diocesan vitality could not be accomplished in one triennium. This resolution provides for the continuation of the conversation.