A106 Amend Joint Rules Related to a Joint Session

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 79th General Convention amend the Joint Rules of Order of the House of Bishops and House of Deputies as follows:

X. Committee of the Whole

23. The House of Deputies and the House of Bishops may meet together as a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of discussion and debate subject to the following:

(a) The President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop shall propose a resolution to both Houses stating the matter to be discussed, the time certain for the Committee of the Whole to begin, and the length of time for the Committee of the Whole to meet. The resolution may also include procedures for discussion and debate.

(b) The resolution shall be passed by a simple majority vote in both Houses.

(c) The Committee of the Whole shall meet in the House of Deputies, the discussion shall follow the Rules of Order of the House of Deputies, and the Committee of the Whole will be chaired by the President of the House of Deputies.

(d) No voting will occur during the Committee of the Whole, except for the following, which may be voted upon by a voice vote or show of hands vote by the entire Committee of the Whole:

(i) Motions to modify rules for discussion and debate may be made, and require a two-thirds majority.

(ii) Motions to close the Committee of the Whole may be made, and require a two-thirds majority.

(iii) Motions to extend the length of time the Committee of the Whole meets may be made, and require a two-thirds majority.

XI. Rules in Force

23 24. At the meetings of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, the Joint Rules of the previous Convention shall be in force, until they be amended or repealed by concurrent action of the two (2) Houses and after their reports thereon.