A102 Create a Task Force on Budget Process

Final Status: Concurred

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention establish a Task Force to study and recreate the Budget process for the Church; that the membership of said Task Force be constituted of the Treasurer of the General Convention as an ex-officio non-voting member and three (3) bishops, five (5) clergy, and five (5) lay persons, at least four (4) of whom are current or past members of the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance, at least three (3) of whom are current or past members of the Joint Standing Committee on Finances for Mission of Executive Council and the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and at least one (1) is a person highly knowledgeable and experienced in the structure and governance of the Church ; And be it further

Resolved, That the charge of said Task Force is to:

  1. Revise The Episcopal Church triennial Budget process in order to ensure transparency throughout the process, foster timely participation by the wider Church, assure General Convention’s central role in setting Budget priorities and items to be funded including those adopted by General Convention, and enable effective budgeting and management for staff and programs. The work of this revision should include making recommendations to the 80th General Convention for any needed changes to Constitution, Canons, and the Joint Rules of Order, or recommendations to the Executive Council for changes in the Executive Council By-Laws. Input into these recommendations should be sought from interim bodies, church center staff, Provinces, the Executive Council, the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance and the Chief Financial Officer of the Executive Council.
  2. Clarify responsibility and authority for oversight of the Budget between meetings of General Convention, including proper relationships between staff, Executive Council, the Joint Standing Committee of Program, Budget and Finance, officers and any others who may have some role in the implementation or revision of the Budget between General Conventions.