A100 Clarify Secretary of Convention versus Secretary of House of Deputies
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 79th General Convention amend Canon I, Canon 1.1.1 as follows:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Canon I.1.1(a): At the time and place appointed for the meeting of the General Convention, the President of the House of Deputies, or, if absent, the Vice-President of the House, or, if there be neither, a presiding officer pro tempore appointed by the members of the House of Deputies on the Joint Committee of Arrangements for the General Convention, shall call to order the members present. The Secretary of the House of Deputies , or, if absent, a Secretary pro tempore of the House of Deputies appointed by the presiding officer, shall record the names of those whose testimonials, in due form, shall have been presented, which record shall be prima facie evidence that the persons whose names are therein recorded are entitled to seats. In the event that testimonials are presented by or on behalf of persons from jurisdictions which have not previously been represented in a General Convention, then the Secretary of the House of Deputies, or one appointed instead as provided herein, shall proceed as provided in Clause (c). If there be a quorum present, the Secretary of the House of Deputies shall so certify, and the House shall proceed to organize by the election, by ballot, of a Secretary of the House of Deputies, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to such election. Upon such election, the presiding officer shall declare the House organized. If there be a vacancy in the office of President or Vice-President, the vacancy or vacancies shall then be filled by election, by ballot, the term of any officer so elected to continue until the adjournment of the General Convention. As soon as such vacancies are filled, the President shall appoint a committee to wait upon the House of Bishops and inform it of the organization of the House of Deputies, and of its readiness to proceed to business.
Canon I.1.1(c): In order to aid the Secretary of the House of Deputies in preparing the record specified in Clause (a), it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese to forward to the Secretary of the House of Deputies, as soon as may be practicable, a copy of the latest Journal of the Diocesan Convention, together with a certified copy of the testimonials of members aforesaid, and a duplicate copy of such testimonials. Where testimonials are received for persons from jurisdictions which that have not previously been represented in General Convention, the Secretary of the House of Deputies shall ascertain that the applicable provisions of Article V, Section 1, of the Constitution have been complied with prior to such persons being permitted to take their seats in the House.
Canon I.1.1 (j) At every regular meeting of the General Convention, the Secretary elected by the House of Deputies shall, by concurrent action of the two Houses of the General Convention, also be made the Secretary of the General Convention, who shall have responsibility for assembling and printing of the Journal of the General Convention, and for other matters specifically referred to the Secretary and shall serve until a successor is elected.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.1.13 (b) be amended as follows:
(b) The Executive Office of the General Convention shall include the functions of the Secretary of the General Convention and the Treasurer of the General Convention and those of the Manager of the General Convention and, if the several positions are filled by different persons, such officers shall serve under the general supervision of the General Convention Executive Officer, who shall also coordinate the work of the Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies funded by the General Convention Expense Budget.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.4.1(d) be amended as follows:
(d) The Executive Council shall be composed (a) of 20 members elected by the General Convention, of whom four shall be Bishops, four shall be Presbyters or Deacons, and 12 shall be Lay Persons who are confirmed adult communicants in good standing (two Bishops, two Presbyters or Deacons, and six Lay Persons to be elected by each subsequent regular meeting of the General Convention); (b) of 18 members elected by the Provincial Synods; (c) of the following ex-officiis members: the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies; and (d) the Chief Operating Officer, the Secretary of the General Convention, the Treasurer of the General Convention, the Chief Financial Officer of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and the Chief Legal Officer of the Executive Council, all of whom shall have seat and voice but no vote. Each Province shall be entitled to be represented by one Bishop or Presbyter or Deacon canonically resident in a Diocese which is a constituent member of the Province and one Lay Person who is a confirmed adult communicant in good standing of a Diocese which is a constituent member of the Province, and the terms of the representatives of each Province shall be so rotated that two persons shall not be simultaneously elected for equal terms.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.11 be amended as follows:
Sec. 11 Within sixty days after each session of the General Convention, the Presidents of the two Houses thereof shall refer to the Provincial Synods, or any of them, such subjects as the General Convention may direct, or as they may deem advisable, for consideration thereof by the Synods, and it shall be the duty of such Synods to consider the subject or subjects so referred to them at the first meeting of the Synod held after the adjournment of the General Convention, and to report their action and judgment in the matter to the Secretary of the General Convention at least six months before the date of the meeting of the next General Convention.
And be it further
Resolved, That the Joint Rules of Order be hereby amended as follows:
Joint Rules of Order II.10(a): There shall be a Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance, consisting of 27 persons being members of the General Convention (one Bishop, and two members of the House of Deputies, either Lay or Clerical, from each Province), who shall be appointed not later than the fifteenth day of December following each regular Meeting of the General Convention, the Bishops to be appointed by the Presiding Bishop, the Deputies by the President of the House of Deputies. The Secretary of the General Conventionand the Treasurer of the General Convention and the Chief Financial Officer of the Executive Council shall be members ex-officiis, without vote. The Joint Standing Committee may appoint advisers, from time to time, as its funds warrant, to assist the Joint Standing Committee with its work.
Joint Rules of Order V.15: The Secretary of the House of Deputies shall, with the cooperation of the Secretary of the House of Bishops, and of such Bishops as may be appointed by the Presiding Officer of the House of Bishops, prepare a summary of the actions of the General Convention of particular interest to the Congregations of the Church, and make the same available to the Congregations, through the Ministers-in-charge thereof, and to the Lay Deputies; such summary to be sent to the Clergy along with the Pastoral Letter put forth by the House of Bishops, and to be made available to all Deputies on the last day of the Convention, along with such Pastoral Letter, if feasible to do so, or within thirty days thereafter.
Joint Rules of Order VII.20: Except for the Secretary of the General Convention and the Treasurer of the General Convention, the said Committee is instructed to nominate a number, equal to at least twice the number of vacancies, which shall be broadly representative of the constituency of this Church; to prepare biographical sketches of all nominees; and to include such nominations and sketches in the Blue Book, or otherwise to circulate them among Bishops and Deputies well in advance of the meeting of the next succeeding General Convention; this procedure, however, not to preclude further nominations from the floor in the appropriate House of the General Convention.
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
Canon I.1.1(a): At the time and place appointed for the meeting of the General Convention, the President of the House of Deputies, or, if absent, the Vice-President of the House, or, if there be neither, a presiding officer pro tempore appointed by the members of the House of Deputies on the Joint Committee of Arrangements for the General Convention, shall call to order the members present. The Secretary of the General Convention House of Deputies, or, if absent, a Secretary pro tempore of theGeneral Convention House of Deputies appointed by the presiding officer, shall record the names of those whose testimonials, in due form, shall have been presented, which record shall be prima facie evidence that the persons whose names are therein recorded are entitled to seats. In the event that testimonials are presented by or on behalf of persons from jurisdictions which have not previously been represented in a General Convention, then the Secretary of the General Convention House of Deputies, or one appointed instead as provided herein, shall proceed as provided in Clause (c). If there be a quorum present, the Secretary of the General ConventionHouse of Deputies shall so certify, and the House shall proceed to organize by the election, by ballot, of a Secretary of the General Convention House of Deputies, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to such election. Upon such election, the presiding officer shall declare the House organized. If there be a vacancy in the office of President or Vice-President, the vacancy or vacancies shall then be filled by election, by ballot, the term of any officer so elected to continue until the adjournment of the General Convention. As soon as such vacancies are filled, the President shall appoint a committee to wait upon the House of Bishops and inform it of the organization of the House of Deputies, and of its readiness to proceed to business.
Canon I.1.1(c): In order to aid the Secretary of the General ConventionHouse of Deputies in preparing the record specified in Clause (a), it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese to forward to the Secretary of the General Convention of the House of Deputies, as soon as may be practicable, a copy of the latest Journal of the Diocesan Convention, together with a certified copy of the testimonials of members aforesaid, and a duplicate copy of such testimonials. Where testimonials are received for persons from jurisdictions which that have not previously been represented in General Convention, the Secretary of the General Convention House of Deputies shall ascertain that the applicable provisions of Article V, Section 1, of the Constitution have been complied with prior to such persons being permitted to take their seats in the House.
Canon I.1.1 (j) At every regular meeting of the General Convention, the Secretary elected by the House of Deputies shall, by concurrent action of the two Houses of the General Convention, also be made the Secretary of the General Convention, who shall have responsibility for assembling and printing of the Journal of the General Convention, and for other matters specifically referred to the Secretary and shall serve until a successor is elected.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.1.13 (b) be amended as follows:
(b) The Executive Office of the General Convention shall include the functions of the Secretary of the General Convention and the Treasurer of the General Convention and those of the Manager of the General Convention and, if the several positions a re filled by different persons, such officers shall serve under the general supervision of the General Convention Executive Officer, who shall also coordinate the work of the Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies funded by the General Convention Expense Budget.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.4.1(d) be amended as follows:
(d) The Executive Council shall be composed (a) of 20 members elected by the General Convention, of whom four shall be Bishops, four shall be Presbyters or Deacons, and 12 shall be Lay Persons who are confirmed adult communicants in good standing (two Bishops, two Presbyters or Deacons, and six Lay Persons to be elected by each subsequent regular meeting of the General Convention); (b) of 18 members elected by the Provincial Synods; (c) of the following ex-officiis members: the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies; and (d) the Chief Operating Officer, the Secretary of the General Convention, the Treasurer of the General Convention, the Chief Financial Officer of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and the Chief Legal Officer of the Executive Council, all of whom shall have seat and voice but no vote. Each Province shall be entitled to be represented by one Bishop or Presbyter or Deacon canonically resident in a Diocese which is a constituent member of the Province and one Lay Person who is a confirmed adult communicant in good standing of a Diocese which is a constituent member of the Province, and the terms of the representatives of each Province shall be so rotated that two persons shall not be simultaneously elected for equal terms.
and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.11 be amended as follows:
Sec. 11 Within sixty days after each session of the General Convention, the Presidents of the two Houses thereof shall refer to the Provincial Synods, or any of them, such subjects as the General Convention may direct, or as they may deem advisable, for consideration thereof by the Synods, and it shall be the duty of such Synods to consider the subject or subjects so referred to them at the first meeting of the Synod held after the adjournment of the General Convention, and to report their action and judgment in the matter to the Secretary of the General Convention House of Bishops and to the Secretary of the House of Deputies at least six months before the date of the meeting of the next General Convention.
And be it further
Resolved, That the Joint Rules of Order be hereby amended as follows:
Joint Rules of Order II.10(a): There shall be a Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance, consisting of 27 persons being members of the General Convention (one Bishop, and two members of the House of Deputies, either Lay or Clerical, from each Province), who shall be appointed not later than the fifteenth day of December following each regular Meeting of the General Convention, the Bishops to be appointed by the Presiding Bishop, the Deputies by the President of the House of Deputies. The Secretary of the General Conventionand the Treasurer of the General Convention and the Chief Financial Officer of the Executive Council shall be members ex-officiis, without vote. The Joint Standing Committee may appoint advisers, from time to time, as its funds warrant, to assist the Joint Standing Committee with its work.
Joint Rules of Order V.15: The Secretary of the House of Deputies, , being the Secretary of the General Convention, shall, with the cooperation of the Secretary of the House of Bishops, and of such Bishops as may be appointed by the Presiding Officer of the House of Bishops, prepare a summary of the actions of the General Convention of particular interest to the Congregations of the Church, and make the same available to the Congregations, through the Ministers-in-charge thereof, and to the Lay Deputies; such summary to be sent to the Clergy along with the Pastoral Letter put forth by the House of Bishops, and to be made available to all Deputies on the last day of the Convention, along with such Pastoral Letter, if feasible to do so, or within thirty days thereafter.
Joint Rules of Order VII.20: Except for the Secretary of the General Convention and the Treasurer of the General Convention, the said Committee is instructed to nominate a number, equal to at least twice the number of vacancies, which shall be broadly representative of the constituency of this Church; to prepare biographical sketches of all nominees; and to include such nominations and sketches in the Blue Book, or otherwise to circulate them among Bishops and Deputies well in advance of the meeting of the next succeeding General Convention; this procedure, however, not to preclude further nominations from the floor in the appropriate House of the General Convention.