A045 Reaffirm nd Report on Anti-Racism Training

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That we acknowledge that all diocese have not followed the spirit of the Episcopal Church Canon Article III.6.5(g) Training regarding Anti-racism training or General Convention Resolution 2000-B49 regarding training of all ordained persons and lay leadership; and be it further

Resolved, That the Presiding officers remind dioceses that ordained persons and lay leaders, are required to become certified based on having completed anti-racism training; and be it further

Resolved, That the definition of “anti-racism training” include attaining a certification, which adheres to the rubric and process recommended by the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism examination and TEC staff; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention Resolution 2000-B049 be amended to clarify the training requirement and read as follows:

“Resolved, That beginning on September 1, 2000 the lay and ordained leadership of the Episcopal Church, including all ordained persons, professional staff, and those elected or appointed to positions of leadership on committees, commissions, agencies, and boards be required to take anti-racism training meeting the Competency Level defined by the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism and receive certification of such training; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council and TEC staff select and maintain an authorized list of appropriate trainers who meet the Mastery Level defined by the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism and training programs that could will be used at the national level for anti-racism training; that each province select and authorize appropriate programs trainers from this list that will be used at the provincial level; and that each diocese select and authorize appropriate programs trainers from this list that will be used at the diocesan and parochial levels, each province and diocese to determine those lay and clergy leaders who are to take the training; and be it further

Resolved, That the Standing Commission on National Concerns continues to develop a list of such appropriate resources; and be it further

Resolved, That each national committee, commission, agency, and board, and each province and diocese maintain a register of those who are trainers and those who have been trained, and forward this information to the Executive Council by January 1, 2003, and every two years thereafter to a TEC staff member identified on the Church website and/or other publically visible location for this purpose, and that the Council report on this information to the 74th and 75th General Conventions and future General Conventions until such time as the Executive Council on Anti-Racism or its succeeding body determines it is no longer necessary.”