A093 Amend Canon III.8.7(f)- Deacons who subsequently seek ordination to the priesthood
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That Canon III.8.7(f) is hereby amended to read as follows:
A person ordained to the Diaconate under Canon III.6 who is subsequently called to the Priesthood shall fulfill the Postulancy and Candidacy requirements set forth in this Canon. Upon completion of these requirements, the Deacon may be ordained to the Priesthood.
A person ordained to the Diaconate under Canon III.6 who subsequently expresses a call to the Priesthood shall apply to the Bishop Diocesan and the Commission on Ministry. The Commission on Ministry and Bishop Diocesan shall ensure that the Deacon meets the formational requirements set forth in III.8.5(g) and shall recommend such additional steps as may be necessary and required. Upon completion of these requirements and those required for Postulancy and Candidacy as set forth in this Canon, the Deacon may be ordained to the Priesthood.
This amendment clarifies the process by which a person who has been ordained to the diaconate under Canon III.6 may subsequently seek ordination to the priesthood.