A069 Engagement with the Book of Common Prayer

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That this 79th Convention of the Episcopal Church, calls the Episcopal Church to devote the next triennium to deep engagement with the structure, content, language and theological thrust of The Book of Common Prayer (1979), with a view to increasing the Church’s familiarity with the book in its entirety; and directs the SCLM to develop materials to aid local dioceses, congregations, seminaries, and schools in the process of this deep engagement, focusing particularly on the use of the Prayer Book as an instrument for the catechesis and spiritual formation of the whole people of God; and directs the SCLM and the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons to work jointly in expanding the canonical categories of liturgies authorized for use in this Church, resulting in resolutions to that effect to be considered by the 80th Convention in 2021.

And be it further

Resolved, That the sum of $1,180,625.00 be appropriated the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music for the completion of this plan.