A078 Amend Canon I.9.2-13
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That Canon I.9.2 of the Canons is hereby amended to read as follows:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Sec 2. The primary purposes of the Provinces are to facilitate inter-diocesan collaboration to further the mission of the Church and achieve Diocesan and Episcopal Church goals, and to enable more effective communications and regional advocacy of significant programmatic efforts. General Convention may not mandate work to be completed by the Provinces. However, Provinces may choose to work collaboratively on General convention resolutions; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.3 (a) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3 (a) When a new Diocese or Area Mission shall be created wholly within any Province, such new Diocese or Area Mission shall be included in such Province. In case a new Diocese or Area Mission shall embrace territory in two (2) or more Provinces, it shall be included in the Province of its choice as allowed by the Constitution and Canons. Whenever a new Diocese or Area Mission shall be formed of territory not before included in any Province, the General Convention shall designate the Province to which it shall be annexed; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.3 (b) is hereby amended to read as follows:
(b) By mutual agreement between the two (2) adjoining Provinces, a Diocese or Area Mission may transfer itself from one of such Provinces to the other, such transfer to be considered complete upon approval thereof by the General Convention. Following such approval, Canon I.9.1 shall be appropriately amended; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.4 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4. For the purpose of the Province the rights and privileges of the several Dioceses within the Province shall be such as from time to time shall be determined by the governing documents and Leadership of the Province; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.5 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 5. Provinces must choose a President, who can be of any order, and they shall otherwise organize themselves as they see fit, with by-laws subject to approval by Executive Council. The Executive Council is responsible for ensuring that the by-laws serve the interests of both clerics and laity; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.6 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 6. Each Diocese and Area Mission within the Province shall be entitled to representation in the Province by Bishops, Presbyters or Deacons canonically resident in the Diocese or Area Mission, and Lay Persons, confirmed adult communicants in good standing of a Church in this province, but not necessarily domiciled in the Diocese or Area Mission, in such number as the Province may provide. Each Diocese and Area Mission shall determine the manner in which its members shall be elected; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.7 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 7 The Province shall have power: (a) to enact Ordinances for its own regulation and government; (b) to deal with all matters within the Province; provided, however, that no Province shall have power to regulate or control the internal policy or affairs of any constituent Diocese; and provided, further, that all actions and proceedings of the Province shall be subject to and in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the Canons for the government of this Church; (c) to adopt a budget for the maintenance of any Provincial work undertaken by the Province, such budget to be raised in such manner as the Province may determine; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.8 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 8. The Provinces shall work with the Leadership of The Episcopal Church to nominate individuals to serve the mission needs of the wider church; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.9 is hereby amended to read as follows
Sec. 9. Each Province shall keep minutes, journals or other records of its meetings, and shall transmit one (1) copy of the records to the Secretary of the House of Deputies, and one (1) copy to The Archives of The Episcopal Church. The Province shall also transmit copies of any unpublished inactive records to the Archives. The President of each Province shall annually submit to the Executive Council a written report on the ministries, programs and other work of the Province, including a description of how funds (if any) appropriated by the General Convention have been used, and shall report on their work to the Executive Council, on the date and in the form specified by the Executive Council; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.10 is hereby amended as follows: [Canon subsection removed]; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.11 is hereby amended as follows: [Canon subsection removed]; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.12 is hereby amended as follows: [Canon subsection removed]; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.13 is hereby amended as follows: [Canon removed].
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
Sec 2. The primary purposes of the Provinces are to facilitate inter-diocesan collaboration to further the mission of the Church and achieve Diocesan and Episcopal Church goals, and to enable more effective communications and regional advocacy of significant programmatic efforts. General Convention may not mandate work to be completed by the Provinces. However, Provinces may choose to work collaboratively on General convention resolutions; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.3 (a) is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3 (a) When a new Diocese or Area Mission shall be created wholly within any Province, such new Diocese or Area Mission shall be included in such Province. In case a new Diocese or Area Mission shall embrace territory in two (2) or more Provinces, it shall be included in and form part of the Province wherein the greater number of Presbyters and Deacons in such new Diocese or Area Mission shall, at the time of its creation, be canonically resident. the Province of its choice as allowed by the Constitution and Canons. Whenever a new Diocese or Area Mission shall be formed of territory not before included in any Province, the General Convention shall designate the Province to which it shall be annexed; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.3 (b) is hereby amended to read as follows:
(b) By mutual agreement between the Synods of two (2) adjoining Provinces, a Diocese or Area Mission may transfer itself from one of such Provinces to the other, such transfer to be considered complete upon approval thereof by the General Convention. Following such approval, Canon I.9.1 shall be appropriately amended; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.4 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4. For the purpose of the Province the Synodical rights and privileges of the several Dioceses within the Province shall be such as from time to time shall be determined by the Synod governing documents and Leadership of the Province; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.5 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 5. There shall be in each Province a Synod consisting of a House of Bishops and a House of Deputies, which Houses shall sit and deliberate either separately or together. The Synod shall meet on a regular basis as determined by each Province for the purpose of organizing and carrying out the responsibilities of the Province as provided in the Canons. Provinces must choose a President, who can be of any order, and they shall otherwise organize themselves as they see fit, with by-laws subject to approval by Executive Council. The Executive Council is responsible for ensuring that the by-laws serve the interests of both clerics and laity; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.6 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 6. Every Bishop Diocesan of this Church, having jurisdiction within the Province, every Bishop Coadjutor, Bishop Suffragan, and Assistant Bishop, and every Bishop whose episcopal work has been within the Province, but who by reason of advanced age or bodily infirmity has resigned, shall have a seat and vote in the House of Bishops of the Province. Each Diocese and Area Mission within the Province shall be entitled to representation in the Province by Bishops, Presbyters or Deacons canonically resident in the Diocese or Area Mission, and Lay Persons, confirmed adult communicants in good standing of a Church in this province, but not necessarily domiciled in the Diocese or Area Mission, in such number as the Province may provide. Each Diocese and Area Mission shall determine the manner in which its members shall be elected; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.7 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 7 (a) The President of each Province may be one of the Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons, or Lay Persons of the Province, elected by the Synod. The method of election and term of officeshall be determined by the rules of the Synod.
(b)When the person elected is not a Bishop, a Vice-President shall be elected who shall be a Bishop member of the Province. In this event the Bishop so elected shall serve, ex officio, as President of the House of Bishops of the Synod, and shall represent the Province in all matters requiring the participation of a Bishop. The Province shall have power: (a) to enact Ordinances for its own regulation and government; (b) to deal with all matters within the Province; provided, however, that no Province shall have power to regulate or control the internal policy or affairs of any constituent Diocese; and provided, further, that all actions and proceedings of the Province shall be subject to and in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the Canons for the government of this Church; (c) to adopt a budget for the maintenance of any Provincial work undertaken by the Province, such budget to be raised in such manner as the Province may determine; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.8 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 8. Each Diocese and Area Mission within the Province shall be entitled to representation in the Provincial House of Deputies by Presbyters or Deacons canonically resident in the Diocese or Area Mission, and Lay Persons, confirmed adult communicants of this Church in good standing but not necessarily domiciled in the Diocese or Area Mission, in such number as the Provincial Synod, by Ordinance, may provide. Each Diocese and Area Mission shall determine the manner in which its Deputies shall be elected. The Provinces shall work with the Leadership of The Episcopal Church to nominate individuals to serve the mission needs of the wider church; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.9 is hereby amended to read as follows
Sec. 9. The Provincial Synod shall have power: (a) to enact Ordinances for its own regulation and government; (b) to perform such duties as many be committed to it by the General Convention; (c) to deal with all matters within the Province; provided, however, that no Provincial Synod shall have power to regulate or control the internal policy or affairs of any constituent Diocese; and provided, further, that all actions and proceedings of the Synod shall be subject to and in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the Canons for the government of this Church; (d) to adopt a budget for the maintenance of any Provincial work undertaken by the Synod, such budget to be raised in such manner as the Synod may determine; (e) to create by Ordinance a provincial Council with power to administer and carry on such work as may be committed to it by the General Convention, or by the Presiding Bishop and the Executive Council, or by the Synod of the Province. Each Province shall keep minutes, journals or other records of its meetings, and shall transmit one (1) copy of the records to the Secretary of the House of Deputies, and one (1) copy to The Archives of The Episcopal Church. The Province shall also transmit copies of any unpublished inactive records to the Archives. The President of each Province shall annually submit to the Executive Council a written report on the ministries, programs and other work of the Province, including a description of how funds (if any) appropriated by the General Convention have been used, and shall report on their work to the Executive Council, on the date and in the form specified by the Executive Council; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.10 is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 10. The Synod of a Province may take over from the Executive Council, with its consent, and during its pleasure, the administration of any given work within the Province. If the Province shall provide the funds for such work, the constituent Dioceses then members of,
and supporting, such Province shall receive proportional credit therefor upon the quotas assigned to them for the support of the Program of the Church, provided that the total amount of such credits shall not exceed the sum appropriated in the budget of the Executive Council for the maintenance of the work so taken over. ; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.11 is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 11. Within sixty days after each session of the General Convention, the Presidents of the two Houses thereof shall refer to the Provincial Synods, or any of them, such subjects as the General Convention may direct, or as they may deem advisable, for consideration thereof by the Synods, and it shall be the duty of such Synods to consider the subject or subjects so referred to them at the first meeting of the Synod held after the adjournment of the General
Convention, and to report their action and judgment in the matter to the Secretary of the House of Bishops and to the Secretary of the House of Deputies at least six months before the date of the meeting of the next General Convention. ; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.12 is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 12. Each Provincial Synod shall keep minutes, journals or other records of its meetings, and shall transmit one copy of the records to the Secretary of the House of Deputies, and one copy to The Archives of The Episcopal Church. The Synod shall also transmit copies of any unpublished inactive records to the Archives. ; and be it further
Resolved, That Canon I.9.13 is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 13. The President of each Province shall annually submit to the Executive Council a written report on the ministries, programs and other work of the Province, including a description of how funds appropriated by the General Convention have been used, and shall report on their work to the Executive Council, on the date and in the form specified by the Executive Council
The Task Force on Provinces recommends the simplification of the Canons regarding Provinces based on the guiding principles the Task Force established for its work. The Task Force sought to focus the work of the Province on supporting the mission of the Church rather than on maintaining parts of the system focused only on the organization of the system itself. Energy given to maintaining a system is energy taken from supporting the mission or work of the system. The language also enables provinces to organize themselves as they determine is best for their needs, geography and resources. In keeping with the sense of diversity apparent in the provinces at this time, it is not helpful to bind them to a system of “synods” with the assumption that each province is identical to the others. Hopefully, these changes create a more flexible system, able to respond as able to the mission needs of the Church.