A051 Modify Parochial Report
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
That this 79th General Convention request the Committee on the State of the Church to consider adding the following with respect to parish and congregation Safe Church Self-Audits as required by the Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth and the Model Policies for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults approved in 2017: (1) the total number of parish and congregation Safe Church Self-Audits expected to be submitted to the diocese, (2) the number of self-audits received by the diocese, (3) the number of outstanding self-audits, and (4) the date when outstanding self-audits are expected to be received.
Including the status of parish and congregation safe church self-audits on the diocesan parochial report is the basis for tracking accountably with the Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth and Model Policies for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults as approved in 2017. Such accountability will serve to identify those dioceses and locations that would benefit from enhanced support to fully live into the Model Policies.