A023 Assist Vocation Discernment Groups
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 79th General Convention, if a Formation Networking Team is created, direct the Team to collect, evaluate and encourage the sharing of excellent resources for the training of commissions on ministry and discernment committees for clergy and lay vocations and to publicize to The Episcopal Church, its dioceses and congregations the availability of these resources; and be it further
Resolved, That, if a Formation Networking Team is not created, the 79th General Convention direct that an appropriate body or office in The Episcopal Church collect, evaluate and encourage the sharing of excellent resources for the training of commissions on ministry and discernment committees for clergy and lay vocations and publicize to The Episcopal Church, its dioceses and congregations the availability of these resources; and be it further
Resolved, That, if a Formation Networking Team is not created or is not funded, the 79th General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $60,000 for the implementation of this resolution.
While many dioceses provide some training for commissions on ministry, the data shows that the need for small-congregation-specific training is perceived to be great, especially in relation to flexible approaches to vocational discernment. Some excellent resources exist in individual dioceses, but guidelines and best practices are not generally shared among the dioceses of TEC. Small dioceses with limited resources would particularly benefit from the coordination and dissemination of resources and best practices. Dissemination of best practices will also encourage commissions on ministry to address lay vocations as called for in Title III. Commissions on ministry need training in discerning and supporting lay vocations. Networking among dioceses will encourage sharing of best practices in this area.