A043 Clarify and Update Mandate

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the mandate for the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism be amended, clarify its charge and to update terminology to include the term “Reconciliation” and hereby read as follows:

“This Committee is charged with guiding and monitoring the Church’s work in response to General Convention resolutions directed at eliminating the sin of racism from the life of the Church by:

Recognizing and developing its anti-racism and racial reconciliation work as a fundamental and requisite part of Christian formation; monitoring and evaluating anti-racism and anti-racism racial reconciliation related ministries and activities of national Church staff and, when feasible, contributing to the oversight and coordination of said ministries and programming; recommending best practices for eliminating racism and promoting racial reconciliation; collecting data on provincial anti-racism and racial reconciliation activities to be submitted to Executive Council on an annual basis; developing criteria for the credentialing of certified anti-racism trainers ordained and lay people as having completed “anti-racism/racial reconciliation training in fulfilment of the Canons and General Convention Resolution 2000-B049; and monitoring compliance of anti-racism/racial reconciliation legislation passed by General Convention.”