C069 This is a test copying from the C&C

XII: Debate

A. Deputies may debate.

1. Any Deputy or person given seat and voice on the floor of the House may participate in debate, unless a Rule of the House specifies otherwise.

2. Any Deputy or person participating in debate will provide their name and the Diocese they represent.

3 2. Any Deputy may speak only after being recognized by the Presiding Officer.

B. Definitions

1. Debate. Debates are an opportunity for Deputies to engage in discussion on any matter.

2. Matter. A matter includes any Resolution, Memorial, motion, message from the House of Bishops, or Committee report, that is presented to the House to consider and act upon.

C. Deputies may engage in debate on any matter except when:

1. debate has been ended by a vote of the House;

2. debate is not allowed due to a Rule of the House, a Joint Rule, a Canon, or the Constitution.

D. Time Limits

1. A total of 30 minutes is the maximum time allowed to debate on:

i.    any matter; and

ii.   all motions related to that matter.

2. If a person rises to speak during the first six minutes of debate on a matter, no member may move the following unless no person seeks to debate on the matter:

i.    amend the motion or Resolution;

ii.   move a substitute;

iii.  end debate.

3. During a debate on any motion or other matter, a member may:

i.    speak up to two minutes; and

ii.   speak twice.

4. For each speech that requires translation or interpretation, all time limits on debate in these rules, or adopted by a special rule of order, will be extended by two minutes.

5. Debate will end following:

i.    a successful vote to end debate;

ii.   the end of the time allowed for debate by a Rule or Special Order; or

iii.  by ruling of the Presiding Officer if:

a. at least three Deputies have spoken in favor of the matter and no one rises to speak against it; or

b. at least three Deputies have spoken against the matter and no one rises to speak in favor of it; or

c. no one rises to speak on the matter.