C068 This is another test

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

hat the 79th General Convention direct Provinces, Dioceses, Congregations and all other institutions of The Episcopal Church to implement the recommendations of the report from the Standing Commission on Everything but Liturgy and Music regarding Invite * Welcome * Connect for Zombies:  Re-Animate the Church; and be it further

Resolved, That the  President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop  Executive Council , in consultation  consult with the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons Everything but Liturgy and Music, and form a Task Force consisting of at least 2 bishops, 2 clergy, and  8 laity, with at least  3 members qualified with experience in medical science, to consult with the United States Center for Disease Control and the Department of Homeland Security and prepare a report for the 81st General Convention for the Church onthe issues related to potential and challenges of the Church welcoming and inviting zombies into the our Church’s worship and fellowship; and be it further

Resolved, That $666,666 be budgeted for the work of the Task Force over the next triennium, and be it further

Resolved, That Zombie Day, observed on every occurrence of Friday the 13th in the liturgical year, be authorized for trial use as a Major minor Feast of the Church, and be it further

Resolved, That the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music develop a collect and suggested lectionary for observance of Zombie Day for authorization by the 81st General Convention.