X011 Special Order for D019, Ending Church Complicity in the Occupation
Resolved, the House of Deputies set special rules of order for debate on the Fifth Legislative Day, July 9th, for the first item of legislative business following the Consent Calendar for the consideration of Resolution D019, Ending Church Complicity in the Occupation,
1. Total time of the discussion shall be 60 minutes.
2. The first 10 minutes will be for clarifying questions only.
3. Then follows 30 minutes of debate on the resolution. No motions to amend or substitute will be in order during this time.
4. Following the 30 minutes of debate, the House will consider amendments or substitutes.
5. Amendments will be considered in the order in which they are pre-filed. Debate on each amendment will be limited to 6 minutes.
6. No motion to end debate early during this debate will be in order.
7. The Resolution D019 will be placed on Day 5 Legislative Calendar.