A228 Beloved Community Summit: Igniting the Church to be Bold Agents for Racial Healing, Justice, and Reconciliation
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring. That the General Convention shall promote the gathering of leaders, who are engaged in the work of racial reconciliation and racial justice throughout the Episcopal Church for the purposes of building capacity among leaders and igniting the church to live into the Jesus Way of Beloved Community; and be it further
Resolved, That the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, in collaboration with partner ministries, shall convene organize by December 31st, 2019, a Beloved Community Summit: Igniting the Church to be Bold Agents for Racial Healing, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation. This gathering would accelerate the work of racial reconciliation by sharing stories, best practices, resources, and identifying needed action in each of the four areas of becoming Beloved Community, that will grow a network of healers, justice makers, and reconcilers; and be it further
Resolved, That the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society fund this work through the allocation of $50,000 for the implementation of this resolution, especially to ensure participation in the Summit by the widest representation of all God’s People.