A225 On the Importance of Ecumenism for Becoming Beloved Community

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That, whereas the Presiding Bishop has articulated three foci for the work of Becoming Beloved Community—care of creation, racial reconciliation, and evangelism--the 79th General Convention recognizes that we cannot do this work alone, and that we have much to offer other church traditions and much to learn from them in the work of the three above named areas; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention encourage all Provinces, Regional Consultative Groups, Dioceses, Episcopal Communities, and Parishes to seek ecumenical partners for mutual up building in the areas of care of creation, racial reconciliation, and evangelism; and be it further

Resolved, That they be encouraged to seek ecumenical partners that reflect the racial, ethnic, national, linguistic, and cultural diversity of their context.