D084 Commemoration of Emily Malbone Morgan

That the 79th General Convention restore to the revision of Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2018, the commendation of Emily Malbone Morgan on May 3; and be it further

Resolved, That the propers assigned be:


Gracious God, we thank you for the life and witness of Emily Malbone Morgan, who established the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross so that women who live in the world might devote themselves to Intercessory prayer, thanksgiving and simplicity of life.Help us to follow her example in prayer, simplicity, ecumenism and witness to social justice, for the glory of your Name, through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Exodus 1:15-21

Psalm 84

1 Thessalonians 5:16-25

Matthew 5:13-16

And be it further

Resolved, That the biography read as follows:

In 1884 Emily Malbone Morgan founded the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross (SCHC), a dispersed, vowed community of women. The aims of the SCHC are thanksgiving, Intercessory prayer, and simplicity, with particular concern for social justice, mission in GOD’s world, the unity of all God’s people, and peace and reconciliation. Drawn to monastic practices like many Episcopal women of their time, the early Companions developed a unique for active lives in the secular world, grounding their work for social justice in daily prayer. They became a strong force for social justice reform during the social Gospel era at the turn of the twentieth century. There are now about 800 Companions, both lay and ordained, in 34 Chapters in the United States and around the world.

The SCHC was founded on May 3,1884.

A primary inspiration for Morgan was her friendship with Adelyn Howard, who was home bound because of illness. She sought Morgan’s support for both spiritual companionship and as a means by which she could offer Intercessory prayers for others. Meeting her friend’s needs, Morgan called together a small group of women for prayer and companionship. From that beginning, the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross came into being.

Miss Morgan had a particular concern for women working in the textile mills who endured dangerous working conditions and suffered oppression and exhaustion. In response, she, with the help of a growing number of Companions, developed summer respite houses across northeastern United States. They were places where these working women and their children could have time away for physical and spiritual renewal and refreshment. She wrote a number of books so that the resulting income could be used to support these vacation houses.

In 1914, the Society built Adelynrood in Byfield, Massachusetts. It serves as a Retreat and Conference Center, offering hospitality in the form of programs, retreats and outreach.