A219 Refer Portions of The Proposed Book of Occasional Services 2018
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That the 79th General Convention commend the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music for their work on revision of the Book of Occasional Services, especially given the limited funding made available to them; and be it further
Resolved, That the following portions of The Proposed Book of Occasional Services 2018 be referred back to the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music for further revision and that the SCLM report on this work to the 80th General Convention:
Way of the Cross
On Maundy Thursday
When Members Leave a Congregation
Discernment for a new Church Mission
A Liturgy for Commissioning a Church Planter, Missioner or Mission Team
A Liturgy for the Opening of a New Congregation
Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows
And the parallel texts in French and Spanish
And it be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation of $12,000 for the implementation of this resolution.
Among its many responsibilities in the past triennium, the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music did significant revision work on The Book of Occasional Services, large portions of which Legislative Committee 12 on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music will be recommending for authorization in a separate resolution. However, time and funding constraints did not allow the SCLM to fully review and revise all of BOS. The Committee believes the liturgies named in this Resolution need further work and so are recommending their referral and approval of sufficient funding to complete this work.