A218 The Proposed Book of Occasional Services 2018

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That the 79th General Convention approve the following services from the Proposed Book of Occasional Services 2018 for use by worshipping communities in The Episcopal Church:

Seasonal Blessings;

Concerning the Advent Wreath;

Advent Festival of Lessons and Song;

Blessing of a Crèche;

Christmas Festival of Lessons and Song;

Service for New Year’s Eve;

Candlemas Procession;

Blessings over Food at Easter;

Rogation Procession;

St. Francis Day/Blessing of Animals;

Service for All Hallows’ Eve;

Rite for Receiving or Claiming a New Name;

Preparation of Adults for Holy Baptism:

The Catechumenate;

Preparation of Parents and Sponsors of Infants and Young Children to be Baptized;

Preparation for Confirmation,

Reception or other Reaffirmations of the Baptismal Covenant;

Recognition of Ministries in the Church and the World;

Celebration for a Home and A Shorter Blessing of a Home;

Anniversary of a Marriage;

A Public Service of Healing;

Welcoming after Traumatic Absence;

Concerning Exorcism;

Concerning Oil;

Concerning Water;

Dedication of Church Furnishings and Ornaments;

The Founding of a Church;

Ground Breaking;

Laying a Cornerstone;

A Litany for the Mission of the Church;

A Variety of Church Planting Liturgies;

Restoring of Things Profaned;

Distribution of Holy Communion by Lay Eucharistic Ministers to Persons Who are Ill or Infirm;

Guidelines for Use on the Occasion of a Retirement or Work Transition;

Liturgical Materials Honoring God in Creation;

Consecration of Chrism Apart from Baptism;

A Proper for the Consecration of Chrism;

A Service for the Ending of a Pastoral Relationship and Leave-taking from a Congregation;

Recognition and Investiture of a Diocesan Bishop;

Welcoming and Seating of a Bishop in the Cathedral;

Setting Apart for a Special Vocation;

And be it further

Resolved, That The Blessing of a Pregnant Woman be restored; and be it further

Resolved, That these services be made available as a digital resource; and be it further

Resolved, That the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music seek and receive feedback on their use.