A208 Establish a Standing Commission on World Mission
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That the 79th General Convention recognize that mission engagement with the peoples and cultures of the world beyond the United States of America is inherent in the purpose of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society as it seeks to participate in God’s mission of reconciliation; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention lament how inward concerns of the church and inter-Anglican conflict have reduced the Episcopal Church’s engagement with sisters and brothers in Christ around the world, yet rejoice in how many global relationships have continued or been renewed; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention recognize that dioceses, congregations and freestanding mission organizations carry out much of the church’s global mission work alongside the Global Partnerships Office, Episcopal Relief & Development, the United Thank Offering and other agencies of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, and that the Global Episcopal Mission Network assists with networking and mission formation; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention recognize the important monitoring of DFMS’s global mission work that is carried out by the Executive Council’s Standing Committee on World Mission; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention amend Canon I.1.2(n) to establish a Standing Commission on World Mission; and be it further
Resolved, That the mandate of the Standing Commission on World Mission shall be to identify the global mission work carried out by the DFMS, dioceses, congregations and mission organizations throughout the church, to consult with them to envision future directions for the church’s global engagement, and to develop policy proposals for consideration by General Convention; and be it further
Resolved, That the Standing Commission on World Mission shall include six laypersons, three clergy and three bishops appointed by the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies to serve staggered six-year terms, with half of the membership initially appointed for three-year terms; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to give consideration to the appropriation of $90,000 to fund the work of the Standing Commission for the 2019-21 triennium.
The 78th General Convention removed many standing commissions, including the Standing Commission on World Mission, from the interim bodies of General Convention. This action was taken in view of financial constraints and the streamlining recommendations of the Taskforce for Re-imagining the Episcopal Church (TREC). It also occurred at a time when inter-Anglican conflicts had eliminated or reduced many missional relationships around the Anglican Communion. The legislative Committee on World Mission of the 79th General Convention believes strongly that the General Convention needs the in-depth understanding and creative visioning that is brought to world mission issues by a standing commission whose members are experienced in world mission and who are focused on the church’s multi-faceted engagement in the global dimension of God’s mission. Such understanding and visioning is especially urgent as many missional relationships are being re-energized, many dioceses and congregations would like to expand their companionships around the world, and freestanding Episcopal mission organizations are multiplying in education, healthcare and sustainable development. The legislative committee is grateful to Executive Council’s internal Standing Committee on World Mission for its report in the Blue Book for the 79th General Convention. Yet we recognize that the many responsibilities of Executive Council mean that such an internal committee must focus on responsible monitoring and may be limited in its ability to undertake creative visioning. The legislative committee also recognizes the contribution of the Global Episcopal Mission Network that brings together DFMS agencies, dioceses, congregations, freestanding mission organizations and seminaries for mutual learning and mission formation. Yet we recognize that, beyond generating resolutions, such a freestanding network has no direct avenue for offering in-depth reflection to General Convention. The requested budget of $90,000 will fund three in-person meetings of the commission during the 2019-21 triennium, including one in a diocese of The Episcopal Church outside the USA.