D094 Fellowship for Non-domestic Diocese
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That in order to aid each deputation from non-domestic dioceses to exercise their prophetic voice in and for The Episcopal Church and its General Convention, that the sum of $500,000 be allocated as a fellowship for the benefit of elected members of the House of Deputies, residing outside of the United States; and be it further
Resolved, That these fellowships be available to individual deputies duly elected for non-domestic dioceses, in need of financial assistance and/or to cover all visa or travel document requirements, transportation, lodging, and reasonable per diem to ensure full participation of deputies not resident in the United States; and be it further
Resolved, That these funds shall be made available for up to four ordained persons, Presbyters or Deacons, and four Lay Persons, domiciled outside of the United States as well as one ordained and one lay alternate; and be it further
Resolved, That these funds will be made available at each General Convention beginning in the 2018-2021 Triennium.
It is evident to the Deputies of Color and the Latino Caucus that several dioceses from outside the United States of America have deputations less than what is allowed by the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church. We are aware of the difficulties many of our ethnic minority deputies from other countries have in obtaining visa and travel documents in today’s political climate. We are also aware of the extreme costs associated with international travel to the United States and General Convention costs which contributes to the absence of non-United States deputies to the 79th General Convention. Individual elected deputies of the General Convention should be provided resources to exercise the office they were elected to. Full enfranchisement of all elected deputies should be ensured by the General Convention. This is an issue of justice. Non-United States dioceses have ever increasing barriers to full participation in the life of The Episcopal Church. Given the current political climate it is evident that the resources currently available to Non-United States dioceses are not sufficient to participate in the life of The Episcopal Church. United States Citizen and those deputies residing in the jurisdiction of the United States are privileged in that their participation in General Convention comes at lower cost and with fewer hurdles.