B031 Commend Global Episcopal Mission Network
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
That the 79th General Convention affirm the global dimension of God’s mission that the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church has carried out since 1835 through deploying missionaries, developing mission companionships with Christians around the world, and engaging globally in educational, healthcare and justice work; and be it further
Resolved, That this General Convention commend the networking, mission education and mobilization for global mission that the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) has carried out since 1995 through the annual Global Mission Conference, the Mission Formation Program, and online resources; and be it further
Resolved, That this General Convention encourage dioceses, congregations, freestanding mission organizations, individuals, and seminaries to strengthen their global engagement through membership in the Global Episcopal Mission Network.
GEMN is the church’s one network convened to strengthen commitment to global mission throughout the church. Originally a network of dioceses only, it has expanded to include congregations, mission organizations, seminaries, and individuals. It collaborates with Church Center offices and agencies such as Global Partnerships and Episcopal Relief and Development. Recent Global Mission Conferences have focused on global migration (Puerto Rico, 2016), reconciliation (Alabama, 2017), and mission connecting (Virginia Seminary, 2018). The 2019 conference, held April 3-5 in the Dominican Republic, will focus on mutual witness and evangelism in global mission. Beyond particular themes, the conferences have proven invaluable for networking among mission activists. GEMN’s Mission Formation program includes attention to mission theology and history, cultural sensitivity and mission companionship, mission spirituality and community mobilization. GEMN’s online resources can be accessed at its website: gemn.org.