B024 Police Killings and Mental Illness

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, mindful of a growing body of statistics regarding the response of the police to situations involving person suffering from mental illness, and

Further mindful of the Gospel imperative that Christ’s body the Church seek and serve him in the care and protection of those most vulnerable persons in our midst (Mt.25:35-40),

  1. Denounces police killings of unarmed people in mental health crisis and distress;
  2. Urges elected officials and other relevant policymakers to implement reforms which mandate that police departments provide compulsory mental health crisis intervention and de-escalation training for all officers who may be called to respond to such situations; and
  3. Urges its members at the local, diocesan, and church-wide levels, to advocate for these policies in their various capacities.