A190 Church Pension Fund

Resolved, That the House of Deputies of the 79th General Convention celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Church Pension Fund (CPF); and be it further

Resolved, That we express our appreciation for the CPF in living out its pastoral ministry of supporting lay and ordained employee retirement, insuring parishes and church organizations, providing financial security in times of disaster or distress, and providing resources through Church Publishing. The CPF fulfills its moral directive of caring for persons and serving the needs of the church by providing life insurance, healthcare and disability insurance, and property and casualty insurance, as evidenced by paying out over $6 billion in benefits to date, and insuring over 9,500 churches and church organizations; and be it further

Resolved, That we celebrate the CPF’s professionalism, compassion, and trustworthiness in responding to the changing needs and demographics of The Episcopal Church.