B022 Support for the Episcopal Church in the Philippines and Joint Efforts to Continue the Jesus Movement Scholarship Program

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That the 79th General Convention acknowledge with great thanks and strongly commend the continued efforts of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP) to bring about greater understanding and cooperation in theological education in Asia and the Pacific regions of the Anglican Communion by the creation of the Jesus Movement Scholarship Program (JMSP) which has helped to strengthen regional partnerships; and be it further

Resolved, That General Convention heartily commend the continued efforts of the ECP/TEC Joint Committee on Provincial Companionship (JCPC) and the many Anglican dioceses, parishes, and individuals who are working in partnership with the ECP and its dioceses to provide training of lay and clergy leaders in Asia and the Pacific at Saint Andrews Theological Seminary (SATS); and be it further

Resolved, That General Convention urge congregations and dioceses of the Episcopal Church to seek new opportunities to provide support for the work of the ECP and the JCPC, with the assistance of national church leadership and staff, to locate resources to strengthen the efforts of the Jesus Movement Scholarship Program (JMSP); and be it further

Resolved, That General Convention urge dioceses and congregations in the Episcopal Church to make it a specific mission priority to reach out to Anglican Partners in Asia and the Pacific, inviting them to seek opportunities for lay and clergy exchange visits and seminary training, by exploring resource development to assist the ECP/JCPC in their efforts to foster appreciation and greater understanding about theological education, through ongoing support and additional resource development for the Jesus Movement Scholarship Program by 2021.