D062 Companionship with Sudanese Christians

Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,

That the 79th General Convention celebrate the witness and vigor that new Americans seeking refuge from war and famine in Sudan and South Sudan have brought to The Episcopal Church since 1983; and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention encourage Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and Archbishop Justin Badi Arama of the Episcopal Church South Sudan in their efforts to reconcile all groups in the Sudans with God and each other; and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention encourage the continuation of existing and the exploration of new mission companionships between dioceses and parishes of The Episcopal Church (and other friends of the Sudans) with the dioceses and other institutions of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and the Episcopal Church of South Sudan; and be it further

Resolved, That this Convention commend the ongoing labor of Sudanese diaspora communities across the United States and Canada to unify their voices and overcome the destroyers of peace in their homelands.