D075 Amending Title IV to Prevent Retaliation
Resolved, the House of ________________ concurring,
That Canon IV.2 is hereby amended to add the following definition as follows:
Retaliation shall mean making or threatening reprisals to any person who, in good faith, brings a complaint or petition against a clergy person, either through the procedures of this Title or the procedures outlined in Title III. Such conduct shall be understood to have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the subject person’s work or volunteer performance, creating an intimidating or hostile work or volunteer environment, or adversely affecting the person’s life in any way.
And be it further
Resolved, That Canon IV. 4.1.(h) is hereby amended as follows:
(h) refrain from:
(1) Any act of Sexual Misconduct;
(2) holding or teaching, publicly or privately, and advisedly, any Doctrine contrary to that held by the Church;
(3) engaging in any secular employment, calling, or business without the consent of the Bishop of the Diocese in which the Member of the Clergy is canonically resident;
(4) being absent from the Diocese in which the Member of the Clergy is canonically resident, except as provided in Canon III.9.3(e) for more than two years without consent of the Bishop Diocesan;
(5) any criminal act that reflects adversely on the Member of the Clergy’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness of the ministry of the Church;
(6) conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; or
(7) habitual neglect of the exercise of the ministerial office without cause; or habitual neglect of public worship, and of the Holy Communion, according to the order and use of the Church; and
(8) retaliation
(9) any Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Clergy
Currently, there is no explicit canon protecting persons who report against retaliation for doing so which can have a chilling effect. The definition of retaliation is taken from the model policies of Church Pension Group.