D008 HD Committee #18 Report #06
House of Deputies Committee 18 - Stewardship & Socially Responsible Investing presents its Report #06 on Resolution D008 (Practicing Responsible Investing) and moves:
Take No Further Action
Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,
That the 79th General Convention commends to the whole Church the witness to the Gospel of individuals and institutions across the Church for over half a century through socially and environmentally responsible investing consistent with the Church's faith and mission including the Church’s teachings on respect for the dignity of every human being and on the stewardship and care of creation (“responsible investing”); and be it further
Resolved, That the 79th General Convention affirms for the Church the following elements of responsible investing consistent with the Church's faith and mission as practiced today by many institutional investors across the Church: applying ethical guidelines in investment selection and management, shareholder activism, and investing for responsible social and environmental outcomes as well as financial return; and be it further
Resolved, That the 79th General Convention recommends that consideration be given across the whole Church to practicing these three elements of responsible investing consistent with the Church's faith and mission and particularly recommends all three of these elements of responsible investing for consideration by the governing body of every diocese, parish, or other organization or institution in the Church that owns or invests investment assets (any “Church Institutional Investor”), as follows:
The 79th General Convention urges the governing body of every Church Institutional Investor to consider developing and adopting ethical guidelines for responsible investing consistent with the Church’s faith and mission, and implementing them in choosing and managing investment assets under its control, and urges every Church Institutional Investor with sufficient assets to consider becoming a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment; and
The 79th General Convention urges the governing body of every Church Institutional Investor to consider having that Investor vote its proxies consistent with the Church's faith and mission, and, to this end, urges Church Institutional Investors to consider using the proxy-voting services provided by The Episcopal Church and the Church Pension Group, and urges every Church Institutional Investor with sufficient assets to consider undertaking advocacy and dialogue with company managements and to consider joining the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility; and
The 79th General Convention urges the governing body of every Church Institutional Investor to consider having that Investor, consistent with the Church's faith and mission, invest for responsible social and environmental outcomes as well as financial return by, for example, carrying out impact investing through its regular portfolio and community investing through its regular portfolio or a separate community investment mechanism.