A045 HB Committee #09 Report #05
House of Bishops Committee 09 - Racial Justice & Reconciliation presents its Report #05 on Resolution A045 (Reaffirm nd Report on Anti-Racism Training) and moves:
Adopt Substitute
Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,
that we acknowledge that not all dioceses have followed the spirit of the anti-racism training required in Title III or General Convention Resolution 2000-B049 regarding training of all ordained persons and lay leadership; and be it further
Resolved, that we acknowledge that the work of dismantling racism is an essential part of spiritual formation; and be it further
Resolved, that the 79th General Convention re-affirms the necessity and importance of anti-racism training for the lay and ordained leadership of The Episcopal Church, including all ordained persons, professional staff, and those elected or appointed to committees, commissions, agencies, task forces, and boards; and be it further
Resolved, that the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism and The Episcopal Church staff, The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing and Christian Formation professionals be encouraged to work together to continue to expand the resources available for trainings that can be adapted to different contexts and that address the multiplicity and intersectionality of oppressions that exist in society, and maintain online a recommended list of curricula and programs as they are developed, that could be used for anti-racism training and for training facilitators; and be it further
Resolved, that the lay and ordained leadership of The Episcopal Church are also expected to engage in ongoing spiritual formation and education focused on racial healing, justice, and reconciliation as part of our Church’s commitment to Becoming Beloved Community; and be it further
Resolved, that each committee, commission, agency, task force, and board, and each province and diocese maintain a register of those who have participated in training, and annually report to the Executive Council through the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism by January 1 each year, how many people have participated in training and what other Becoming Beloved Community formation opportunities have been offered and that the Council report on this information to future General Conventions until such time as the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism or its succeeding body determines it is no longer necessary.