A011 HB Committee #20 Report #03

House of Bishops Committee 20 - Environmental Stewardship & Care of Creation presents its Report #03 on Resolution A011 (Oppose Environmental Racism) and moves:

Adopt Substitute

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 79th General Convention affirm the need for governments, private industry and all people to act to protect the health of all persons from unsafe and unhealthy exposures to air and water pollution, toxic substances, or radiation in their food, water supply, living quarters, and work places; and be it further

Resolved, That the Church recommit to the excellent work done by previous General Conventions of The Episcopal Church, specifically resolutions 2000-D005, 2012-B023, 2012-C079, and 2015-C013 and that General Convention affirm that no community, especially poor communities, those who live closest to the land in subsistence cultures, and members of marginalized ethnic groups, should bear a disproportionate risk of environmental pollution or degradation; and advocate for and support policies that protect these populations and the sanctity of communities and the livelihood of future generations from the disparate impact of climate change and environmental degradation; and be it further

Resolved, that the General Convention direct the formation of a Task Force, not to exceed twelve people, including attorneys, health professionals, environmental professionals, and bishops and other clergy to study and report specific recommendations for appropriate changes in federal, state, or local law so that effective judicial remedies, based on a showing of disproportionate health or environmental impact on those living closest to the land in subsistence cultures, ethnic minorities or poor communities, can be obtained to address unwise governmental decisions with respect to land use, industrial, energy and transportation development, and application of environmental standards; and be it further

Resolved,The Task Force will report to Executive Council by the end of 2019; and be it further

Resolved, That Program, Budget & Finance consider a budget allocation of $30,000 for the work of the Task Force for the Triennium.