C025 HB Committee #02 Report #02

House of Bishops Committee 02 - Constitution & Canons presents its Report #02 on Resolution C025 (Amend Canons I.9.1, II.3.6(d) and III.5.1(b)) and moves:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the third paragraph of Canon I.9.1 be hereby amended to read as follows:

The Second Province shall consist of the Dioceses within the States of New York and New Jersey, the Dioceses of Haiti and the Virgin Islands, and the Convocation of American Episcopal Churches in Europe.

and be it further

Resolved, That Canon II.3.6(d) be hereby amended to read as follows:

In the event of the authorization of such variations, adjustments, substitutions, or alternatives, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Custodian of the Standard Book of Common Prayer to notify the Ecclesiastical Authority of every Diocese, and the Convocation of American Episcopal Churches in Europe, of such action, and to give notice thereof through the media of public information.

and be it further

Resolved, That Canon III.5.1(b) be hereby amended to read as follows:

The Council of Advice of the Convocation of American Episcopal Churches in Europe, and the board appointed by a Bishop having jurisdiction in an Area Mission in accordance with the provisions of Canon I.11.2(c), shall, for the purpose of this and other Canons of Title III have the same powers as the Standing Committee of a Diocese.