C063 HB Committee #20 Report #10

House of Bishops Committee 20 - Environmental Stewardship & Care of Creation presents its Report #10 on Resolution C063 (Advocate for Ocean Health) and moves:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the 79th General Convention affirm any and all work and projects being carried out across the Church to protect and restore the Earth’s oceans to ecological health and to advocate for ocean health through the adoption of appropriate public policies, including, without limitation, projects, programs, and public policies and advocacy designed: (1) to establish and protect areas of the oceans from human interference or to limit human interference through the establishment of marine sanctuaries, reserves, and similar protected areas; (2) to protect, preserve, and restore all species that live in ocean habitats; (3) to prevent and remediate ocean pollution from all sources and of all kinds, including plastics, petroleum products and wastes, fertilizers, and hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, solid wastes, and toxic materials as defined in environmental laws; (4) to mitigate ocean acidification and to assist with adaptation to ocean acidification; (5) to mitigate ocean warming and sea level rise and to assist with adaptation to ocean warming and sea level rise; (6) to prevent or limit adverse effects to species and ecosystems from offshore oil, gas, and mineral exploration, drilling, and extraction; (7) to support sustainable fisheries and to prevent illegal fishing, over-fishing, and by-catch; (8) to prevent migration of invasive species through ocean-going vessels and, where invasive species have taken hold, to restore native ecosystems to health; and (9) to minister to people and human populations adversely affected by declines and secondary impacts from declines in ocean health, especially those whose livelihoods are lost or put at risk and those who are forced to migrate due to sea level rise (“Ocean Health Work”); and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention encourage the further development of programs and projects across the Church that support and advance Ocean Health Work; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention call on the Office of Governmental Relations to advocate for public policies that support and advance Ocean Health Work nationally and internationally; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention call on dioceses, congregations, and all the baptized to deepen our understanding of and commitment to Ocean Health Work as Christian communities through prayer and study and to then act to support and advance Ocean Health Work including, when appropriate, in partnership with ecumenical, interfaith, and non-governmental organizations; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention call on dioceses, congregations, and all the baptized to respond to the needs of refugees in our own communities who have had to leave their homes due to sea level rise, pollution of oceans and coastal areas, and other ocean health concerns; and be it further

Resolved, That the 79th General Convention call on the dioceses of The Episcopal Church located in Pacific Ocean or on the Pacific Rim to partner with other Anglican provinces and dioceses in the Pacific to work together for oceanic health, and the safety and well-being of environmental refugees.